Learn HTML to make better Newsletters! #HTML (5) Guides

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Hello Everyone,

As you start to craft Newsletters, in Konversation or in another specialized Email Campaign service, you will quickly come to an easy conclusion. Many of your clients are opening your Emails on mobile phones and tablets. What does this mean? This means their attention span will be shorter, and visual content will drive the success of your engagmenet by a big margin. Improve conversion, engagement and reduce churn, upgrade your presentation skills.

Adding links, images and videos becomes then, the next step in the evolution of our Newsletters. Do you do this already? If not, why not? Do your Newletters have links to social media? They should, simply add an image or make a screenshot of a social media image, and add the URL as a link to the image. Then if they click on the symbol, they will be directed to you or your company on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc…

So it may be time then for you to learn a bit of HTML.

HTML (5) Tutorial


How To Code HTML Email Newsletters (Updated Version)

  • Develop an HTML library on an HTML viewing software like TextWrangler 

HTML for Dummies PDF

If you want to embed a Youtube video for example, go to the video and click on share, then click on embed, and then click on show more to adjust the dimensions required, then copy the code and paste it in the HTML editor you are using. In Konversation, this is the tools option when creating content.

1. Share

2. Embed

3. Show More

4 thoughts on “Learn HTML to make better Newsletters! #HTML (5) Guides

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