Emerging trends in Digital Currencies #Bitcoin

  Software Solutions presents: 

Emerging trends in Digital Currencies

                                                               December 15th,  2014.

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  Bitcoin in the News - December, 2014  We all know that we are heading towards Digital Currencies, and possibly even a global currency or at least new stands should/if/when the U.S. dollar is overthrown as the gold standard.   It wasn’t that long ago that paymens were overwhelmingly made using cash and checks. How the times do change! Now it’s online, contactless and by mobile phone applications. In a few decades time, it will likely be still revolutionary different. However slow the banking system is to change or take risks, more and more companies are accepting payment with Bitcoin for example. A new generation of IT in banking, will likely usher in new virtual transfer payments and quite likley new “e-commerce commodities” that function as currencies of exchange between two individuals or two entities.       Predicting A Future Free Of Dollar Bills   Digital currency - Wiki         What is a Bitcoin - Editor’s Choice Bitcoin - Wiki Not all of us know what Bitcoin is, but that’s won’t always be the case:             Virtual Currency - Wiki   Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations

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