Benefits of E-mail Marketing in a Digital World #EmailMarketing

  Software Solutions presents: 

Benefits of E-mail Marketing in a Digital World

                                                               December 17th,  2014.

“The Best Time to call me is, EMAIL”    

“I’d rather have 1 qualified E-mail than 50 facebook likes” “Spam which does not kill us, makes us stronger”

“Marketing is like sex, everyone thinks they are good at it”

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20 Reasons Why you or your company should be using E-mail Marketing Software 

Email marketing - Wiki


Geared for Mobile:

  • Most easily reaches Mobile devices


  • Email marketing is significantly cheaper and faster than traditional mail, mainly because of high cost and time required in a traditional mail campaign for producing the artwork, printing, addressing and mailing.

Trackable ROI: 

  • An exact return on investment can be tracked (“track to basket”) and has proven to be high when done properly. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.

Opt-in Newsletters: 

  • Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of email subscribers who have opted in (i.e., consented) to receive email communications on subjects of interest to them.

Easily Accessible: 

  • Almost half of American Internet users check or send email on a typical day,[5] with email blasts that are delivered between 1 am and 5 am local time outperforming those sent at other times in open and click rates.

In Real-time: 

  • Email marketing is not restricted by traditional time restrictions. Whereas direct mail campaigns rely upon using snail mail, email promotions, says Email Marketing Reports, generate immediate responses.

Reach Global Demographics: 

  • The nature of the Internet and of email means a marketing campaign reaches as far as an advertiser wants. Identify whom you want to reach and where that target is located.

Is Interactive boosting Customer Engagement: 

  • Using email marketing engages readers. Email marketing campaigns are interactive. Include graphics, Flash and surveys, for example, to bring potential clients into an experience with your company and its product.

Easy to Grow:

  • Using email to conduct a marketing campaign allows access to greater numbers of possible customers. Building a marketing platform within an email software, such as Konversation, makes large and growing contact lists possible. Give recipients incentive to spread the word and your campaigns become viral, spreading from your original contacts into new territory.

Maximize Profits: 

  • Email marketing is 20 times more cost-effective than traditional media
  • For only a few pennies, email can drive traffic to your storefront or Websitet’s
  • six to 12 times less expensive to sell to an existing customer than to a new one

Keep yoru Clients or Customers Informed: 

  • Deeper relationships drive profitability
  • Email is an easy and inexpensive way of establishing early and long-lasting relationships
  • Send newsletters, promotions, new service announcements or event invitations

Personalized Sales Conversions 

  • Gently lead a prospect through the sales process, provide important data and drive the prospect to your Website
  • Email marketing allows you to communicate at Internet speed
  • Campaign response generally occurs within 48 hours

Track your Audience with Software 

  • Most types of marketing and advertising are difficult to measure
  • With email, everything can be tracked
  • See who clicked on certain links and much more
  • Get valuable feedback as you strive to grow your business

Upgrade your Professionalism & Marketing IT

  • Take advantage of email message templates for a professional look
  • These E-mail marketing softwares can track, customize, target and automatize E-mail Campaigns or Newsletter performance
  • Create more personalized content and target (segement your contact list) your audience better.

Additional uses of E-mail Marketing Software:

Manage your Brand and use Digital Marketing to it’s full potential! No matter the size of your company!

1) Customer Newsletters & Bulletins: Online e-newsletters and bulletins are a great way to connect with customers on new programs, products, and services, as well as communicate other important information about your organization.

2) Employee Newsletters & Bulletins: Internal communication is an important and often overlooked function. Email blasts to employees on new programs, initiatives, products. and services can be a very effective way to communicate what is going on in your organization.

3) Email Marketing Campaigns: Email marketing campaigns are a great way to market new programs, products, services and communicate other important information to your customers.

4) News Services and Announcements: Email event notifications and announcements are also important to communicate to your customers and prospects.

5) Press & Media Releases: Public Relations companies have really picked up on email campaign software to streamline the design and distribution of professional press releases. With a click of a button media contacts can be notified immediately.

Our E-mai Marketing platform is only 45$ a month per account, far outweighing the saving and client conversion and retention. E-mail marketing is the single easiest thing a marketing department can do better to improve profits, because at the end of the day it’s all about the relationship with the audience, whether it’s a previous customer, an existing client or a future prospective buyer. If your current E-mail client cannot segment your contact lists, then it may be time for an upgrade!

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